A downloadable tool for macOS

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The Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta is a yearly event where gamers around the world play a challenge run of Final Fantasy 5 with special rules. Follow Gigabot and join in on the fun!

Please contact revenantkioku with any questions or comments.

Version 1.0

  • Select and display your jobs.
  • Change between Galuf and Krile with ⌘K.
  • Set a black background with ⌘0 or swap between battle backgrounds with ⌘← and ⌘→.
  • Enter your Twitter name in order to quickly open a link to your Fiesta page.
  • Open up tweet intents to unlock Water, Fire and Earth jobs.
  • Open up tweet intents for Victory tweets. Note: You will have to include a link to your image as currently attaching an image to tweet intents is not possible.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FiestaHelper 1.0.zip 3.4 MB